Zircon and cubic zirconia

Zircon and cubic zirconia

Zircon and cubic zirconia

Zircon and cubic zirconia are completely different things, however they are constantly confused with each other.

Let's figure it out.

There is a natural stone zircon and there is an artificial stone cubic zirconia.

In 1968, imitation diamond was invented, which had a high density, solidity, resistance to chemical attack and the ability to refract light.

It was phianite (cubic zirconia), which got its name from the place of its creation – FIAN (Russian ФИАН) after P.N. Lebedeva (Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences)

Phianite (cubic zirconia) is an artificially grown crystal of zirconium dioxide, while zirconium is a metal, an element of the periodic table (Mendeleev table).

In the English version, it sounds like cubic zirconia, leading to the confusion with zircon.

Zircon is a natural stone with excellent dispersion (multicolored luster) and thus is a reminiscent of a diamond.

However, it is not so common in nature, and it is quite expensive.

In chain stores, in 99% of cases, when they say that certain jewelry is with a ZIRCON, they mean CUBIC ZIRCONIUM or PHIANITE.

Natural zircon has absolutely nothing in common with cubic zirconia.

Zircon and cubic zirconia


Zircon is a natural stone,

Zirconium is a metal, element of the periodic table (Mendeleev table), from which cubic zirconia is obtained

Cubic zirconia is the synthesized stone itself – phianite