Tsavorite. Main facts

Tsavorite. Main facts

Tsavorite, Main facts

💚 Tsavorite is a variety of garnet mineral - grossular garnet

💚 Tsavorite could have from yellowish-green to bluish-green color

💚 The most valuable shade is a bright neon deep green.

Very light and weakly saturated stones are simply attributed to the grossular garnet, they are not tsavorites

💚 In most cases the color and saturation of tsavorite depends on the presence of vanadium impurities in it, but sometimes tsavorites can also receive their color from chromium (which gives also green color to emerald)

💚 It was discovered in 1967 in Africa by geologist Campbell Bridge

Tsavorite, Main facts

💚 It got its name from the Tsavo National Park in Kenya, where it was discovered

💚 It could be mined only in one place in Africa - between Kenya and Tanzania, and in Madagascar

💚 Its hardness is 7-7.5 on the Mohs scale

💚 It is difficult to find tsavorite in big crystals, in addition, the rough is also quite fractured, therefore bigstones (over 3 carats) are very rare

Tsavorite, Main facts

💚 Most of the rough is used for cutting without significant inclusions

💚 Tsavorite is appreciated for its incredible brilliance and shine

💚 Tsavorite could not be treated, its extraordinary shade is 100% natural

💚 It is found in nature 300 times less often than an emerald

Tsavorite, Main facts

💚 For its similarity to emerald tsavorite is sometimes named "African emerald"
