Color Change Garnet

Color Change Garnet

Color Change Garnet

Color Change Garnet is a rare and valuable variety of garnet with the alexandrite effect.

The alexandrite effect is the effect of changing the color in a stone when lighting is changed.

Such a change in colors in both alexandrites and garnets occurs due to the presence of vanadium impurities in the stones.

These garnets fully own this effect so that they are sometimes confused with alexandrite.

There are not many deposits in the world where color change garnets are mined. The main suppliers are Sri Lanka, Madagascar and Tanzania. Moreover, the reverse may be slightly different at different deposits, but the most valuable change of color is from greenish-brown in natural light to red-burgundy in artificial light, just like alexandrite.

Such garnets are a rarity in the world of stones, stones larger than 3 carats can cost from $ 1000 per carat.

Color Change Garnet